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Raise funds effortlessly, booking holidays with Riviera Travel

Riviera has an award winning reputation since its inception in 1984. They  have been consistently recognised for outstanding service, value and quality for 7 years. Which? has many times awarded them the highly coveted “Recommended Provider” status. According to the independent review site Reevo, over 99% of respondents would travel with Riviera again.


Riviera Travel operate an "Affinity" programme with Rotary Clubs across the UK. If you're booking a holiday with Riviera Travel please mention Rotary Club of York.

By phone - just call 01283 248304 (their Affinity Scheme number) to make a booking - mentioning/registering Rotary Club of York to receive the commission.  If you fail to mention/register York Rotary at the time of booking you will not be able to request that retrospectively and the ability to earn commission will be lost.
or Booking online  You can book online,  but you
must then telephone Riviera within 24 hours, on 01283 523470  or email to ensure that your booking is logged and that our Rotary Club is registered to receive the commission.


If you fail to register your booking, adopting one of the procedures outlined above the club will loose the chance to receive commission.  


Thinking of Travelling

in 2025 or 2026

with Riviera Travel?


Remember your booking can

also raise 10% commission

for York Rotary

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What happens next?  

Shortly after making your booking you will receive a confirmation invoice from Riviera.  Please note that there will be no obvious reference to the Rotary link on this letter.  Simply let our Club co-ordinator (Sheila) know your travel date and your Riviera reference number, and Sheila will ensure the link has been made

York Rotary's Charity Fund will receive commission (about a month after your holiday finishes) of 10% of your holiday cost* (for all passengers) from Riviera Travel's Affinity Scheme.

(*nb  excluding "extra" costs such as upgrades etc)

Note:  Please mention this to friends and family.  If they mention Rotary Club of York when booking their holiday,  York Rotary's Charity Fund will still get the 10% donation, even if the person booking is not a member of our Club nor a Rotarian.

How it works....
After your holiday the person who booked the holiday (see above) will get a "commission is ready" email from Riviera.  If you do not receive the commission ready email within two weeks of your return from holiday please contact Riviera to chase that up

Simply forward this to Sheila, the co-ordinator for our Club).  Sheila will then arrange with t
he Club Treasurer to raise an invoice direct with Riviera to claim the 10%* commission amount for our Charity Fund.


NB   Donations are paid directly to the Club Charity Funds, not via the person making the booking.

More information....


Please speak to Sheila if you need more information about this programme.


or visit Riviera's website


To see the detailed terms associated with Riviera Affinity programme booking terms click here



Please ensure you notify Sheila if you or someone you know is making a booking with Riviera,  so she can keep track!



Please note:  York Rotary is not endorsing Riviera Travel nor does any member of York Rotary receive any personal benefit from Riviera or from this programme.


Several members have used Riviera Travel for their holidays and have spoken highly about their experiences.

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