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More about joining

Friends of York Rotary

Friends Home Page                      More about Friends                                 York Rotary

Friends of York Rotary ("FoYR") was established in 2018, as a means of involving the York community in the aims and activities of Rotary in York.
As well as getting information, members can become involved, working alongside York Rotary members within the local community by supporting projects and activities.


"Friends" can volunteer help whenever it suits them - and as much time as suits them.  We will keep you informed of events and activities where we may need help, and you choose if you are able to come along to help.


Some of our "friends" are unable to volunteer time, but would like to support our aims and keep in touch with what Rotary are doing.  They are welcome too.


We also hope that some members may also develop an interest in developing a deeper interest in Rotary and exploring Rotary membership.


"Friends" can join either as an individual or as a representative of a local charity, business or other organisation.


There are no membership fees. 

The Patron of Friends of York Rotary (FoYR) is BBC Radio York's well-known  Elly Fiorentini.  Elly is an Honorary Member and great supporter of our Rotary Club.


She is also well-known for providing the commentary every year at our major fundraising event, the York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge


"I am delighted to introduce you to Friends of York Rotary


York Rotary is all about being involved in the community from the schools technology tournament to helping support international disasters and of course there is my favourite, The Dragon Boat Race, which has raised over a million pounds for charities. 


This is a great opportunity to use any spare time you have to help enhance and support the community you live in.


York Rotary has some great events coming up and we would love you to be able to help at one or more of them. 


I have loved every minute of supporting them even though, like many of you, I have a full on job. 


I hope that we can encourage you to get involved in some way.



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Interested in joining 
"Friends of York Rotary?

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If you are interested in supporting Rotary's work in York and further afield, and are looking for an opportunity to contribute to our community and network with like-minded people, please sign up using this form;  or just send an email to


What are ‘Friends of York Rotary’ expected to do?


They will be invited to assist in current projects and also invited to attend our Rotary meetings or events where they will get a closer understanding of what our Rotary Club is currently doing and hear plans of future activities. This will also give an opportunity to meet other Friends and the club members.


How will I know of forthcoming events or projects where I can help and contribute?
A regular email  will be circulated to all our registered Friends, giving details of current and future projects and events with details of how to become involved.


Do I need to pay anything to become a Friend?


No, this is a voluntary effort and we make no direct charge on Friends.


What can I bring to Rotary through the Friends programme?


Friends can bring extra skills and experience to our service projects which will strengthen our ability to support those in the local community who require assistance.


What will I gain through membership of the Friends programme?


New friends, an opportunity to make a difference in the community and have fun doing it!


Can I upgrade from Friend to full membership of Rotary?


Yes, as a valued Friend you would be welcomed into the Rotary organisation



Just fill in the simple form here to join our "Friends of York Rotary" group,  or email us at

Catch us on Social Media too

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