What we're about.....
We currently have over 80 members, male and female, and are a friendly, welcoming group, with a range of social events as well as our weekly lunch meetings that most members attend - though for some members this is not practical due to their work commitments.
We are very active in the York community, and along with many other community and fundraising activities we are the organisers of the annual York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge on the River Ouse, which have raised over £1.3million for local charities since they were started in 2003.

More about Rotary in York, and beyond
York Rotary meet every Friday at 12.40 pm at the Novotel, Fishergate, York. Lunch is normally followed by a guest speaker. The meeting finishes promptly at 2.00 pm. We use Zoom hybrid technology so our meetings are accessible remotely.
We are one of over 100 clubs in District 1040, which includes large parts of North and West Yorkshire and N Lincolnshire. The club was inaugurated in 1921 and has 70+ members. There are two other Rotary Clubs in York – Rotary York Ainsty and York Vikings
Rotary is the world's largest service organisation with 1.2 million members, in 32,000 clubs, in over 200 countries of the world. Rotary membership is open to people who want to use their skills and talents to improve their local community. Read more about Rotary worldwide here
The objectives of Rotary are the same throughout the world. They include the promotion of community service, the maintenance of high standards in business and professional practices, the advancement of international understanding, and the development of fellowship.

Social and Personal Growth
Each club is autonomous in its activities and has the freedom to select the local, national, or international projects it wishes to support. Members attend regularly at the weekly meetings of their own club but are also made very welcome as visitors at other clubs.
You'll make firm friends as well as worthwhile business contacts; you'll learn valuable new skills and grow as a person; and you'll be guaranteed a warm welcome from other Rotarians around the world when you're on your travels - or even through joining their on-line video-meetings.
As a Rotarian, there's a vast array of things you can get involved in, from organising events and competitions, running one of our project teams, supporting local charities and developing young people, to assisting with disaster relief and fighting diseases and poverty worldwide.

Fundraising day at St Crux Hall York
York Rotary members entertaining a visiting Rotary Grant Scholar visitor from the USA

Chinese traditional music from University of York students, playing at a York Rotary "Asian Fusion" fundraising event

Helping out at the York 10K running event

RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) students speaking to York Rotary
Charitable activities
Many of our charitable activities are detailed on other pages notably the annual York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge but in addition to the wide range of local charities supported, York Rotary has also contributed to many overseas projects including the eradication of polio, bringing clean water to villages, and many disaster appeals.
Through our various activities, fellowship and friendship is developed. Our social events are many and varied, formal and informal, sporting and otherwise; please consult our diary page for examples.
A new Category of membership - and more!
Interested in joining us at York Rotary? Click here for more details.
We have recently introduced a new category of membership - Associate Membership - to allow potential members to get to know us, and Rotary, better. More details here
And for those who are keen to support the Rotary movement and volunteer help, but are not able to commit to full membership, we also have a "Friends of York Rotary" group - around 70 at present - who stay in close communication with York Rotary, attend their own networking and social events, and help out at our Rotary events. If you are interested, there are more details here

A few of the "Friends of York Rotary" at a networking meeting

York Rotary Fundraising - "Ladies Accessories" stall

CEO of St Leonard's Hospice speaking to the Club