Virtual Dragon Boat Challenge

July - September 2020

Our 2020 Challenge has now finished -
with over £20,000 raised for our local NHS hospital charity.
This will enable the development of a York Rotary Reflection/Peace Garden at the York Hospital for the benefit of their wonderful NHS staff and patients.
Watch the story......
The challenge
Our annual Dragon Boat Challenge had to be cancelled this year due to the restrictions of Covid-19 but instead of this we ran a “virtual challenge” in order to raise much needed funds for our local NHS charity.

The York Teaching Hospital Charity, supports the dedicated NHS staff who have been working so hard during this life threatening pandemic. The £20,150 raised is going towards a new outdoor wellbeing area, inside York Hospital, to provide a relaxing area for staff.
Photos and a report on the progress of constructing the "Rotary Reflection/Peace Garden will be posted here over the coming months.
The Virtual Dragon Boat Challenge..
The challenge was to create a virtual Dragon Boat and “paddle” it 250 metres down the “River Ouse”. The Ouse is 84 km long so we needed a minimum of 336 volunteers to each paddle like mad in their own "Dragon Boat", to move our "Challenge Boat" along.
It was open to interpretation of participants as to how the achieve the "Virtual" equivalent of paddling 250 metres, for example “paddling” 50 strokes.
See some of the weird and wonderful responses here
We tracked our Virtual Dragonboat's progress "down the Ouse"

84Km Linton-on-Ouse -> Humber Estuary

Distance : 100 Km
Total raised: £20,150
We Made It !!!
Thanks for your support.
Questions? Please contact us at dragon@yorkrotary.co.uk