FAMILY DAY 2021 report
To round off York Environment Week 2021, on Sunday September 26th we held our second
Family Get-together on the site, a fun Finish to York Environment Week.
York Rotarians hosted a community picnic on the site where in 2019 over a thousand trees were planted by the York Rotary Family Tree Planting Partnership to commemorate babies born in York that year.
On Sunday over 130 families and friends of some of these babies met on the site and were all very satisfied to see how well the trees had flourished during the lockdown. So much so that thirty families volunteered to adopt and name an individual specimen for their own baby and promised , over the coming months , to give some tender loving care to their tree.
The pictures show some of the happy families enjoying the Sunny September Sunday !!
Access The site is easily accessed from the public footpath alongside the River Fosse between Haxby Road and Huntington adjacent to the new Fosse Bank Hospital. Download map
Please send any questions about this event to York Rotary
or phone 01904 708478
City of York Register Office