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Susan Rogers, DG Nominee District 1040

On Friday 16th August, we welcomed Susan, a founder member of The Rotary Club of Adventurers, District 1040 Learning Facilitator and District Governor Nominee 2026-7. Adventurers says it “does Rotary differently” and Susan demonstrated that in a light-hearted but serious presentation using her own life as the story to illustrate her theme of “The 5 Fs”.

FOCUS : a clear focus is needed to inform and direct action

FORWARD : the world is changing fast and we need to be ready, even one step ahead

FLEXIBILITY :  we should try new ways and adapt nimbly if required

FEARLESS : we should not be afraid to experiment and change

FUN : Rotary should be enjoyable rather than a chore

This theme, which Susan shared first at the District Assembly is likely to feature in planning and development as we follow the Rotary North Star path. 

Marketing Executive Susan lived in Buckinghamshire; she came to a point where she had to create a second life for herself. During some serious self-reflection, she identified 2 main successes of which she was most proud – the nature reserve she had created on the non-working farm where she lived and the jazz band in which she played. There were many things she did not want to do with her life but travel, experiences and writing came to the fore. Having retired to Pately Bridge, she has since relocated twice and worked through a range of ideas, remaining flexible and agile as circumstances changed. She now runs a gardening business and plays in a jazz band as well as honouring her many commitments. She is an energetic and determined Rotarian who will push boundaries and do things differently.  I, for one, will watch with great interest. 

Eileen Davis  


York Rotary News

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