We supported another extremely successful week of the Under 17 Driving Course run by Pathfinders, at Rufforth Airfield, by manning their refreshments stall for the 5 days from Monday 12th August to Friday 16th August. We made hundreds of hot drinks for the students, their ‘associate driver’ and the volunteer staff. During the week we witnessed how the young people gained confidence as they were given first class driving tuition, opportunity to practise their skills in a safe encouraging environment and even the added bonuses of driving a police car, an articulated lorry and witnessing demonstrations of breaking at speed. All we had to do was keep the boiler filled and ensure hot drinks were on hand whenever needed – Rotary providing service to the community!!
The next Course will be late October and we have offered our services again. It would be great if more members could get involved and we will be setting up a rota in early October. So please volunteer for a few hours if you are interested.
Mary Lumley
Youth Services Team