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Important supplies dispatched from Erlangen for Oktoberfest (Updated)

Erlangen and York Rotary clubs are collaborating on an Oktoberfest by Zoom to be held on Thursday 9th November by Zoom. This promises to be a fun evening of international friendship. More details to enable bookings will be published very shortly on the York Rotary Website.

As the start of preparations for the event Wilfried and Horst from Erlangen are pictured celebrating the packing of vital equipment that is now on its way to York. The question is what is the equipment, watch further posts for more details.

The items have arrived and are now revealed as being a supply of authentic 1 litre stones, needed for drinking beer during Oktoberfest.

The first few people signing up for Oktoberfest will receive one of these for their use. We thank Erlangen Rotary for this very generous gift and for arranging transport of the stones. The packing included the front page of the Erlangen paper, this can be made available to anyone who would like to translate it!

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