Haven’t they grown was the comment passed by many of the parents and friends of the children who had trees planted by Rotary in 2018/19 to commemorate their birth and who came to the annual family gathering at the Foss River Rotary planting site off Haxby Road on Sunday 25th August.
They were of course referring to the hundreds of native species trees now starting to look like a woodland. But the small group of committed Rotarians and partners , who meet and greet the visitors, said the same about the children they have seen develop annually over the last five years.
This annual reunion has become a well established, three generational family gathering and now many have adopted specific individual specimens, cleared the long grass from the area, applied some TLC and attached colourful name labels to a tree.
The weather was kind and a great bonus was the introduction, for many of the children, to the pleasures of picking from the prolific crop of luscious wild blackberries on the site. A lot of purple fingers and faces!!
Thanks again to the staff at St Johns Sports ground for the special access arrangements and to the community champions at ASDA, Marks& Spencer, Morrisons and Tesco for their generous donations of ‘goodies’ for the children . All very much appreciated.
Frank Paterson