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Our own very special version of the popular TV show

Thursday 8th February 2024
(room opens 6.15pm; should finish by 8.30pm)

on Zoom  
for York & Erlangen Rotary members
and partne
rs  /  guests 

SOCIAL EVENT - no charge  

More information


Most people are familiar with the BBC Game show


"Would I Lie to You?"   


which has been running since 2007 and is still airing on BBC1   (Friday evenings)


We have our own version!..



"Would a Rotarian Lie to You?"



This will follow a (vaguely) similar format to the TV show, with one of our Rotarians making a statement and one team being able to ask questions to ascertain whether this is the truth or a lie.


ALL teams will then be able to chat amongst themselves and decide whether it's true or not.   As the evening progresses, all  teams' success in getting the correct answers (Truth or Lie) will be recorded and the most successful team will win a prize!


We'll also have a "This is my..." round with a mystery guest!


   -  and a "possession" round


The date is Thursday 8th February at 6.30pm prompt


On the night the ‘Truth or Lie Zoom Room’ will be open from 6.15pm (all times are UK time) - the zoom link is the same as our regular Club meeting zoom-room.




Everyone will be playing in teams, so there will be time to chat and socialise as well as enjoying the game.


NOTE:  The "storytellers" will have been selected in advance, so you do NOT need to worry that you may be called upon to tell any stories yourself..   your role will be more detective than liar!



* If you've never seen the BBC show, take a look at this YouTube video of extracts from a recent series....


Signing Up



YOU MUST PRE-BOOK A "SPOT" (i.e. a screen )  IN ADVANCE (by Monday Feb 5th) so we can plan the zoom details.




.... or Email or phone Brian Joscelyne to book a place / places.


We'll then send you more information and the Zoom link.


Places are limited for this event, so please sign up early.  When we are full, we will announce this on this page - but will take bookings for a "standby list" after that.


For those attending, we'll be sending out more information and the ZOOM link shortly before the event.





Zoom room opens 6.00pm       Event start at 6.30pm


Zoom link  (same as our Friday lunch meetings)....




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