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St Crux – Thursday 10th August 2023

We had a very successful day after concerns about the weather and pigeons! The weather was very kind to us and not a pigeon in sight!

After a rather slow start we hit the ground running… We had an influx of foreign visitors many of whom said they were attracted by the branding…. gazebo/bunting/balloons/banners on the railings and our new banner advertising the café and stall.

We had a number of Rotary visitors who made themselves known to us from different countries as well which was rather nice.

After the slow start, the Café and Stalls were inundated and overall we did extremely well. We had record takings in the Café of £732.50 and on the Stalls including Books, Bric a Brac, Ladies Accessories, As New Gifts and Produce £566.17 plus a great sum of £125.83 on Donations at the gate making an overall total after Hall hire of £125.00 of £1,424.54. Our Zettle (cardless payment method) was well up at £542.50 - double that of April this year. We trialled a new system of seeking donations using Rotary buckets, which was successful and just needs a little refining for our next event.

So thank you all for the part you played in this Fundraising event - whether on the day itself or behind the scenes sorting and pricing, taking goods to the Hospice warehouse, donating goods, donating produce for sale or transporting goods and people to the hall itself whilst managing to avoid traffic wardens and cameras on Piccadilly!!!!!! Well done.

So a great day with lots of weary but very pleased people at the end of it… included.

Dates have been applied for in 2024 – Thursday 11th April and Thursday 29th August 2024 TBC

Sheila Weatherburn


York Rotary News

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